2025 Evaluation Saturday 3/1
Girls: MNSB Last Name A-L 12PM-1PM
MNSB Last Name M-Z 1PM-1:45PM
MJSB- All Players moving up from MNSB 1:45-2:30
Boys: MNBB Last Name A-L 2:45-3:30
MNBB Last Name M-Z 3:30-4:15
MJBB All Players moving up from MNBB 4:15-5PM
Location THE CAGE:1677A Tappahanock BLVD.

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Our Mission; to promote the further development of young athletes while modeling the core values of fair play, teamwork, leadership, and good citizenship. We aspire to create a fun, safe, and competitive environment for the youth of our community as they grow their love of the game.

Volunteer Today!
Our league is in desperate need of umpires. The volunteer application process is done completely online now! If you would like to apply to be a volunteer you must log into your Sports Connect account and register as a volunteer. New this year - 5 behind the plate umpire games earns one of your children FREE registration! Contact our Umpire in Charge for more details. RCLL Volunteer Approval Policy can be seen Here. To download and print our volunteer application, click Here.
As a completely volunteer-led organization, it is imperative that members of our community, like yourself, help us to instill the values of sportsmanship, citizenship, and teamwork into the future ballplayers of Richmond County. Learn how to become a RCLL team manager or coach by clicking below. RCLL Volunteer Approval Policy can be seen Here. To download and print our volunteer application, click Here.